Unravel the tangled world of food allergy laws and regulations across the UK, EU, and US.
Global food allergy regulations
United Kingdom
Allergens labeling
According to the Food Standards Agency (FSA), all food businesses must supply allergen information for every item that contains any of the 14 allergens.
Allergens labeling
According to the Food Standards Agency (FSA), all food businesses must supply allergen information for every item that contains any of the 14 allergens.
Allergens labeling
According to the Food Standards Agency (FSA), all food businesses must supply allergen information for every item that contains any of the 14 allergens.
Natasha's law
As of October 2018, all food businesses selling pre-packed food are required to provide full ingredient lists with clear allergen labelling.
Natasha's law
As of October 2018, all food businesses selling pre-packed food are required to provide full ingredient lists with clear allergen labelling.
Natasha's law
As of October 2018, all food businesses selling pre-packed food are required to provide full ingredient lists with clear allergen labelling.
Calorie labelling
As of April 2022, large businesses with more than 250 employees, including cafes, restaurants and takeaways, are now required to display calorie information of non-prepacked food and soft drinks.
Calorie labelling
As of April 2022, large businesses with more than 250 employees, including cafes, restaurants and takeaways, are now required to display calorie information of non-prepacked food and soft drinks.
Calorie labelling
As of April 2022, large businesses with more than 250 employees, including cafes, restaurants and takeaways, are now required to display calorie information of non-prepacked food and soft drinks.
Owen's law campaign
Expanding Natasha's law to non-prepackaged foods, the campaign aims to require a breakdown of each dish with the full ingredient list of each item to be listed.
Owen's law campaign
Expanding Natasha's law to non-prepackaged foods, the campaign aims to require a breakdown of each dish with the full ingredient list of each item to be listed.
Owen's law campaign
Expanding Natasha's law to non-prepackaged foods, the campaign aims to require a breakdown of each dish with the full ingredient list of each item to be listed.
European Union
EU labelling directive
Regulation (EU) No. 1169/2011 on food information to consumers, it is mandatory for all food businesses to provide allergen information for food that contains any of the 14 allergens.
EU labelling directive
Regulation (EU) No. 1169/2011 on food information to consumers, it is mandatory for all food businesses to provide allergen information for food that contains any of the 14 allergens.
EU labelling directive
Regulation (EU) No. 1169/2011 on food information to consumers, it is mandatory for all food businesses to provide allergen information for food that contains any of the 14 allergens.
Ireland's allergens labeling
In addition to EU regulation, food business must indicate in writing for (non) prepacked food. Customers must have the information before buying and must not have to ask for the information.
Ireland's allergens labeling
In addition to EU regulation, food business must indicate in writing for (non) prepacked food. Customers must have the information before buying and must not have to ask for the information.
Ireland's allergens labeling
In addition to EU regulation, food business must indicate in writing for (non) prepacked food. Customers must have the information before buying and must not have to ask for the information.
United States
Allergen laws
The US recognizes 8 common allergens and their labeling laws are regulated by state. Some states, such as California, require all food handlers to have a certification in handling major food allergens.
Allergen laws
The US recognizes 8 common allergens and their labeling laws are regulated by state. Some states, such as California, require all food handlers to have a certification in handling major food allergens.
Allergen laws
The US recognizes 8 common allergens and their labeling laws are regulated by state. Some states, such as California, require all food handlers to have a certification in handling major food allergens.
Nutritional labelling requirement
Restaurants with 20 or more national locations are required to add calorie counts to menus, menu boards and drive-thru menu boards for standard menu items.
Nutritional labelling requirement
Restaurants with 20 or more national locations are required to add calorie counts to menus, menu boards and drive-thru menu boards for standard menu items.
Nutritional labelling requirement
Restaurants with 20 or more national locations are required to add calorie counts to menus, menu boards and drive-thru menu boards for standard menu items.
How does your restaurant comply?
As the increase in food allergies and health concerns continues to grow, their will more regulations for food businesses. Let Ingredifind help you keep your menus up to date with current and future regulations so you can stay focused on your consumers.
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